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The contest “New Tatar Play” – 2022 continues to accept plays!

Monday 22.08.2022

The contest “New Tatar Play” – 2022 continues to accept plays! The composition of the jury of the current competition has become known.

Chairman of the jury: Marat Akhmetov, Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on the preservation and development of the Tatar language and native languages of representatives of peoples living in the Republic of Tatarstan;

Jury members: Farid Bikchantaev, Chief director of the Tatar State Academic Theatre named after G.Kamal, Chairman of the Union of Theatrical Figures of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Renat Ayupov, Chief director of the Kazan Tatar State Theatre of the Young Spectator named after G.Kariev;

Gali Arslanov, Doctor of Art History, academician;

Bulat Badriev, chief director of the Menzelinsk Tatar State Drama Theatre named after S.Amutbayev;

Aigul Gabyashi, Candidate of Philological Sciences, theatre critic;

Aidar Zabbarov, theatre director;

Nurania Jamali, television director;

Alfat Zakirzyanov, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor;

Niyaz Iglamov, theatre critic;

Tufan Imametdinov, Chief Director of the Tatar State Drama and Comedy Theatre named after K.Tinchurin;

Oleg Kinzyagulov, Chief Director of the Naberezhnye Chelny Tatar State Drama Theatre named after A.Gilyazov;

Ramis Latypov, editor-in-chief of the Tatar editorial office of the Tatar-inform news agency, the Intertat website, the Atna Vakygalary newspaper;

Albina Nasyrova, Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, General Director of the Bala-City Educational Organization;

Ramil Fazlyev, Chief director of the Atninsk Tatar State Theatre named after G.Tukai;

Gulshat Fattakhova, head of the literary and dramatic part of the Tatar State Academic Theatre named after G.Kamal, theatre critic;

Ildar Khairullin, People's Artist of Tatarstan, Honored Artist of Russia, theatre director;

Gulnaz Khasanova, theatre critic;

Ilfir Yakupov, Director of the Tatar State Academic Theatre named after G.Kamal.

We remind you:

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Union of Theatrical Figures of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Tatar State Academic Theatre named after G.Kamal announced another competition in the field of drama for the award "New Tatar Play - 2022".

The authors have the right to submit to the competition plays that have not been staged on stage, have not been published in print, and have not participated in the past contests "New Tatar Play".

The competition is enclosed; the texts of the plays typed on the computer are sent in 2 copies (it is mandatory to attach an electronic version) and are indicated by the nickname of the author, data about the authors are sent in a separate sealed envelope (last name, first name, father's name, date of birth, address and phone number, a brief creative biography).

In cases of non-fulfillment of the conditions of the competition, i.e. if the author of the work is not specified, or the information about the author does not correspond to reality, the play may be withdrawn from the competition by the decision of the jury even after summing up the results.

Plays submitted to the competition are not returned and are not reviewed.

Entries for the competition are accepted until October 1, 2022.

The texts should be sent to the address: 420021, Kazan, Tatarstan str., house 1, Tatar State Academic Theatre named after G. Kamal, competition "New Tatar play-2022".

The authors of the three winning plays are awarded cash prizes.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan establishes a special award.

Depending on the quality of the works accepted for the competition, the jury may not award the first or one of the following prizes, and may also decide to declare the competition invalid.

Information about the contest can be obtained by phone 8 (843) 293-52-50 or by e-mail ntp@kamalteatr.ru .     

The competition is held in 2 stages:

- At stage 1 (until November 1, 2022), the jury members read all the plays submitted to the competition and make a shortlist of the plays that will be admitted to stage 2. The shortlist is published in the media and on the website www.kamalteatr.ru .

- At the 2nd stage, the jury determines the plays that won the competition, the names of their authors are announced on December 22, 2022.

The winning plays will be published as a manuscript in a special collection, and will also be offered to theatres for staging.

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