The VI International Theatre Education Forum – Festival “Nauruz”
Dear friends, we are happy to welcome you, I want to continue: on the hospitable land of Tatarstan, but this year, 2020, we are setting up a meeting in the limitless space of the Internet, which gives you the opportunity to keep on communicating in difficult times of restrictive measures.
We inform you that the VI international theatre and education forum-festival "Nauruz"... WILL TAKE PLACE!
We thought for a long time and decided not to cancel or postpone the educational program, but to run it in an online format as planned.
As you know, every year we set a specific topic on which the work of the Forum's educational laboratories is based. The hero of the past "Nauruz" was the TEXT. The text as a basis, the tool, and the result of creativity.
Defining the problems of the VI forum, together with the International Theatre Institute (ITI) UNESCO and the World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT we planned to consider the issue of «Theatre Training in Hyperspace» under the motto «Assuming the future - shaping the future», discuss the concept of hybrid education, exchange views on online education: its limitless possibilities and application features in the theatrical art, its advantages and disadvantages.
Two years have passed, and quite unexpectedly for all of us, the future has defined not only the future but overnight it has become our present. When forming a new program, we could not have imagined that the planned topics would become an occasion not only for theorizing but also a guide for action, not only a subject for discussion but also an actual reality.
We accept the challenge of time and invite you to join the Forum in an online format and not give up the opportunity to gain invaluable professional knowledge from world-famous teachers, to get acquainted with the positive possibilities of digitalization of life and professional space in practice.
For you, the participants, and for us, the organizers and teachers, the current, VI, the Forum will turn into an interesting experiment. This kind of large laboratory work will allow you to discover and use hidden creative resources, diversify professional tools, open new horizons for the dissemination of theatrical knowledge and its practical application.
We wish everyone fruitful work, a stable connection, and new cyber-theatrical experiences in the hyperspace of theatre education! See you again offline!
From 8th to17thJune 2020, Kazan will host a landmark event in the cultural life of the Republic —the VI international Theatre and Education Festival-Forum "Nauruz". Despite all the restrictions associated with the pandemic, the Forum will continue its work in an online format!
Lectures, seminars, laboratories on theatre pedagogy, acting skills, the art of an actor and director of puppetry, management, PR technologies, scenography, theatre criticism, the work of the literary, artistic and production part of the theatre will be held for the forum participants in online conferences.
The Forum's teachers will be leading experts and prominent figures in theatre and cultural management from Germany, Colombia, Poland, and Russia.
The current virtual forum "Nauruz" provides theatrical figures not only in Russia but also in the world with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the limitless world of theatre art and become a participant in exclusive educational programs without leaving home.
After graduation, all participants will receive a Certificate of the VI international Theatre and Education Festival-Forum "Nauruz".
Language of classes: Russian.
1. Pedagogics of Theatre. Actor’s independent work on a role.
2. Directing and Acting course.
3. Acting. Stage speech.
4. Acting. Choreography.
5. Modern theatre. Development trends.
6. Theatre management and PR - technologies in the field of theatrical art.
7. Puppetry.
8. Theatrical criticism and the work of the literary part of the theatre.
9. Artistic and production part.
The founders of the festival-forum:
- Ministry of Culture of Republic of Tatarstan;
- Union of Theatre Workers of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Technical Partner of the forum - ICL Techno
From 15th to 17th of June, within the framework of the VI International Theatre and Education Festival Forum "Nauruz", the scientific online conference about new dimensions in theatre education will be held under the title Challenges of the Mind.
Theatre teachers, experts, and practitioners from all over the world will discuss the new challenges pedagogues are facing during the current pandemic and the prospects for the development of theatre training in a rapidly changing reality.
What is the future of creative education in the age of digitalization? How does digital thinking affect the process of actor's existence within the performance, the development of imaginative thinking, drama? How do teaching methods and methods of mastering professional tools change? Participants of the conference will try to find out answers to these and many other questions.
Conference initiators: the World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI, the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in Performing Arts, the International Theatre and Education Festival Forum "Nauruz".
Curator of the conference: Dr. Jurij Alschitz (Germany).
Concept and moderation: Christine Schmalor (Germany).
Conference language: English and Russian.
RESOLUTION of the International Online Conference Challenges of the Mind