Автор: Rkail Zaydulla
Drama in 2 acts. Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
The theme of the play “Immortal Love” by Rkail Zaydulla is relevant today as never before - our folk is finally returning to the roots: national consciousness and faith, and at the same time desperately needs to get secular and religious education in the native language. In the years of Stalinist tyranny, our culture has suffered huge losses and was on the brink of extinction. Hundreds and thousands of Tatar intellectuals, writers, philosophers, and public and religious figures have been physically destroyed, and their work was to sink into oblivion. Today, these famous names and their deeds come back from oblivion, and become a part of our life. The tragic fate of people, who devotedly served Tatar culture, sounds for us like a warning alarm...
Mukhlisa Buby ... One of the first Tatar women educators, the founder of the first madrassa for girls, the first and still the only woman in the Muslim world- Kazy ( Judge) and, as a result of her relentless daily labor for the benefit of Tatar education - she is an innocent victim of Stalinist repression. The story of the old woman caught up in NKVD, being tortured and humiliated, sentenced to death, but not broken is full of faith in the revival of the Tatar nation. Even in the face of mortal danger the heroine finds the strength to pity the sadists - investigators, to forgive her friends, to support the cell-mates, to turn their eyes to the Creator and get back the lost trust in his mercy. Unshakable confidence and self-esteem becomes the main sense of the last days of Mukhlisa Buby...