Театральное путешествие в «Клуб Шарык» / «Шәрык клубы» на театраль сәяхәт
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Театральное путешествие в «Клуб Шарык» / «Шәрык клубы» на театраль сәяхәт

The road

Автор: Albert Shakirov

The duration of the performance is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
The premiere took place on November 4, 2021.

The road is a universal metaphor. The road is also a person's life — the path from birth to death. This is both striving for a goal and overcoming obstacles. This is the fear of the unknown (and what's around the corner) and the eternal desire to move forward. It is a symbol of separation and return.

The performance based on the play by A. Shakirov, where the road is both a real adventure trip of the seventy—year-old Safargali from the Tatar village of Cherkile to the Bashkir Aktau, and at the same time a long-awaited, hard-suffering path of awareness, repentance and return to himself, which all the characters of the play go through.
The author knows each of his characters firsthand. They met him during his journalistic studies of modern society. There are all sorts of people among them, but mostly good ones. And the situations that Safargali will get into look quite vital and are seasoned with a fair amount of humor.
And the absurd, and the lyrical, and the ironic look, and sometimes a parody of ourselves - all this will make the viewer recognize himself, and, empathizing with the heroes, go along with them the road of doubts and discoveries.

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