The Kamal Theatre will be touring in Ufa: ticket sales starts
Monday 01.08.2022
From November 9 to 16, the "Big Tour" of the Tatar State Academic Theatre (Kazan) will take place in Ufa, organized by ROSCONCERT according to the All-Russian tour and concert plan of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. As part of the interregional direction of the "Big Tour", premieres of recent seasons and the legendary "The Blue Shawl" will be presented on the stage of the Nur Theatre and the Gafuri Theatre. Tickets can already be purchased on the website of the Kamal Theatre and at the box offices of theatres. Hurry up while tickets are available. Tickets purchased last year are valid.NUR THEATRE
November 9, "FADED STARS", Karim Tinchurin
November 10, "FAREWELL TO HOME", Aidar Zabbarov
November 11, "FAREWELL TO HOME. DREAMS", Aidar Zabbarov
November 12, "DARK TIMES. MUHAJIRUN", Mahmoud Galyau
November 13, "READY TO MARRY", Ilgiz Zainiev
November 14, "AT SUNSET", Artur Shaydulla
November 15, "FIVE EVENINGS", Alexander Volodin
November 16, "THE BLUE SHAWL", Karim Tinchurin