Автор: Naki Isanbet
The poducio was daed o he ceeial celebaios of he Taa heae. Though he play is abou fis female acess i he Muslim Tukic wold he dieco expads hemaic boudaies. This sagig of Faid Bikchaayev is he soy abou he fis Taa acos ad specaos pioeeig he space of a ew a, abou a uique ea of Taa eaissace. Semaic bias away fom he auho"s ieio is jusified, because i&squo;s eacio o he challeges of ew coempoay specaos&squo; mealiy. Though he pefomace is full of goesque humo, billia impovisaio, specacula dace ad music scees, sad oes of soow ad osalgia ae head i he moologues. Emoioally believable chaaces wodefully pefomed by he bes acos of he oupe eveal he amosphee of ha cucial ime.