Автор: Gayaz Iskhaki (Mansour Gilyazov, Rizvan Hamid)
Gayaz Iskhaki, Taa lieaue classic, o he Eve of he XXh ceuy aised quesios aswes o which ae beig seached so fa. Is a peso eally fee o decide his ow desiy, o life eiely depeds o he mecy of he people possessig powe? Is a peso eally jus a puppe i he hads of a puppeee? Absud ebellio of a youg gil agais a cuel wold us io a faal agedy fo he; bu he puppeee also has o pay dealy fo his eachey. The oly poblem is ha he place of he old spide soo is ake by a youg pedao. Is his cycle of aue eeal ad eve sops? Ca ay wa, ay evoluio o ay ohe social caaclysms sop his ciculaio? Chaace of Qama fom Kaza how i saes, ad moally omeed by he ow ibesme, cass houghs ove Taa aio, ou pas, fuue ad pese...