Театральное путешествие в «Клуб Шарык» / «Шәрык клубы» на театраль сәяхәт
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Театральное путешествие в «Клуб Шарык» / «Шәрык клубы» на театраль сәяхәт

The Echo of Autumn

Автор: Rustam Galiullin


The duration of the performance is 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Premiered on April 21, 2023.

The performance is provided with simultaneous translation into Russian and English.

So, it’s a comedy! Once upon a time there was a professor. He had a wife (also, by the way, a professor), two sons who could also be professors, but...

The professor loved his wife more than anything in the world and was infinitely devoted to Tatar philology. But one day, a real catastrophe knocked on the professor's door, which uncompromisingly destroyed the ideal image of an ideal man, father and husband in the eyes of the family community. The man-made monument fell, and blood pressure rose. And it had to happen on the very eve of the anniversary!..

But comedy is comedy, and as a rule, everything is not at all what it seems. And the heroes, no matter what it costs them, will still make their way through the thorns to the stars, obeying theatrical irony and witty shifters.

Театрның яңалыкларын белү өчен, рассылкага язылыгыз
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